• Global 10

    There is so much to understanding how to teach Global 10, but there are two specifics to this course. One, the regents exam is a requirement to graduate high school. A student must get a 65% or higher in the class as well as on the summative assessment in June. Two, contemporary issues are a huge deal. The state wants students to showcase that they can relate current issues to previous problems/events in history. That is why on the enduring issue essay that students must write for the exam, the last skill a student uses is connecting their enduring issue to current day using examples. 

    The key to teaching Global 10 is using cause/effect relationships. For example, most of this course is a time line where certain events cause others around the world. Due to this, set up a timeline for students so that they can have immense success. I'm a firm believer that the Global 10 Regents Exam should be the easiest regents they will have to take to graduate high school. My hope is that the resources that I've provided and will provide will help students in their journey of learning the most to allow them to succeed. 

    The Making Of Global World Class - 10th | PPT