• Jamie Edwards

    Hello! Bonjour! Hola!

    I hope you are well, healthy, safe, and socially distanced.   This is unprecedented! I hope it is also an opporutnity for all of humanity to show our best side.  Most importantly, take care of yourselves and your families.

    It’s also important to keep our minds active, so I have set up a remind for all of my students.  I will be providing guidance on keeping French/Spanish in your brains, and helping you along the way with any questions you have.

    Please sign up for my Remind. Also, please let me know if you can access schoology.

    My email address is jedwards@eville.wnyric.org for your questions for the time being.

    I hope this message finds you well…. I miss seeing you all in person.

    Remind link: https://www.remind.com/join/f7bg2h

    Or, follow these instructions:  Text @f7bg2h to the number 81010, or to (678) 216-4064.

     If I haven’t connected with you on Remind, or heard from you via email, I will reach out by phone.

    Mrs. Edwards