• Updated Process for Obtaining NYS Working Papers

    Until further notice, please follow these steps to obtain working papers through Ellicottville Central School:

    STEP 1:  Print Application (see link in left column) and Contact ECS by emailing tauge@ecsny.org AND hfrisina@ecsny.org  to let us know you are interested in filing for working papers.  Attach the application, evidence of age (for non ECS students) and current New York State physical to email.

    If you have a physical on file with the school, Mrs. Hager will let you know if your physical is current.  If the physical is on file is not current, a new one is needed.

    STEP 2:  Wait for email responses from Mrs. Hager and Mrs. Auge.  If all paperwork is in order, we will process your application and mail your working paper.  NYS has temporarily suspended the need for students to physically be present to sign working paper to complete the process.


    Unable to Email/Scan:  If email is not available to you, a copy of the application and physical can be FAXed to the high school at (716) 699-5423.

    Unable to Email OR FAX:  The hard copy of the application can be sent U.S. Mail to:

    Ellicottville Central School

    c/o HS Main Office

    5873 Route 219

    Ellicottville, New York   14731

    Still Need Help?  Call the COVID-19 Hotline at (716) 699-6052 and leave a message.  Someone will return your call with assistance.