FaceBook Project

You will be given a character from the novel,The Great Gatsby, and you will need to create a facebook page for that character. The page will serve as a direct representation of how that character is portrayed throughout the novel.  We will be using the site  www.myfakewall.com
Please Remember:
All of your information must fall within the setting: New York,1920’s. The pictures, quotes, activities, historical information of the characters must all fall in place with the novel.  For example: Tom would be interested in Polo and not Bungee Jumping.
**Profile picture
**Personal Information including: Job, School, Workplace, Lives in,From, Born, in a relationship with.
**8 friends: 4 must be from novel, 4 can be made up
**8 posts: 4 posts need a comment from their friends under them. It should appear chronological. So, do the older posts first.
Final Product:
Upon completion, you should hit View at the top of the page then print your Facebook page and hand it in 
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